About Us
Core Team Members
Prof. dr. Henk Aarts (Full Professor of Psychology at Utrecht University)
Prof. dr. Panos Markopoulos (Full Professor of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology)
Dr. Sanne Boesveldt (Associate Professor of Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour at Wageningen University & Research)
Dr. Manuel Oliveira (Post-doc in the Department of Psychology at Utrecht University)
Dr. Parvaneh Parvin (Post-doc in the Division of Human Nutrition and Health at Wageningen University & Research)

Dr. Gabriella Tisza (Post-doc at Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology)
Board Members
Prof. dr.Jan Broersen (Utrecht University)
Prof. dr. Mehdi Dastani (Utrecht University)
Prof. dr. Stefan vd Stigchel (Utrecht University)
Prof. dr. Berry Eggen (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Prof. dr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Prof. dr. Mykola Pechenizkiy (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Prof. dr. Elise van de Putte (University Medical Center Utrecht)
Jurgen Ganzevles (Eindhoven University of Technology)
There are more than 30 research members involved in the HUMAN-AI alliance program. The researchers come from all the four institutes (UU, TU/e, WUR, and UMCU) and have diverse expertise in computer science, design, humanity, and social sciences. For more information about HUMAN-AI, please contact (Manuel Oliveira, UU) m.j.barbosadeoliveira@uu.nl, (Parvaneh Parvin, WUR) parvaneh.parvin@wur.nl, or (Gabriella Tisza, TU/e) g.tisza@tue.nl