
Call for projects 2022
Funding for collaborative student research projects on human-centered AI Are you a researcher at TU/e, WUR, UMCU, or UU? We are awarding 4 grants of €5000 to encourage researchers (as potential project supervisors) to set up small collaborative research projects addressing the role of Artificial Intelligence in affecting human autonomy. Find out more about the call here.
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New Postdoc Position within the HUMAN-AI Alliance Program
The department of Psychology at Utrecht University has an opening for a Post-doctoral (2-years + 1 year optional) position: Psychology and Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work with Dr. Ruud Hortensius, Dr. Baptist Liefooghe and Prof. Henk Aarts (GOALLAB) on a research line detailing the psychological implications of human-centered artificial…
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Four HUMAN-AI collaborative research projects funded in 2021
After the successful call for projects in 2020, early this year the HUMAN-AI alliance program announced a second call for collaborative research proposals. Four excellent teams across the participating institutes were formed and their projects will be funded by the alliance program for a maximum budget of 5,000 euro. Below are the details of the…
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We are hiring a new postdoc at Wageningen U&R!
Are you an expert in Artificial Intelligence? Are you interested in contributing to the development of human-centered smart applications for sensory science, smell, eating behavior and health? We are looking for an excellent independent-working postdoc with a strong background in AI, data science, or behavioral modeling, and a clear interest in sensory science, clinical applications…
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Alliance Networking Event | 13 November 2020
The Alliance will be hosting a virtual networking event on 13th November 2020 between 13:00 and 15:00. The key goal of the networking event is to support and foster research and educational collaborations between the three participating institutes (TU/e, UU and UMCU). This event will act as a platform for researchers to share their work…
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“Challenging Future Generations” – Launch Event on December 2 for the Utrecht-Eindhoven-Wageningen Alliance
HUMAN-AI is part of the larger alliance program organized by UU, TU/e, WUR, and UMCU. There will an online launch event for the alliance on December 2. Join if you are interested to know more about this exiting development in AI and beyond. Below we forward the invitation from the alliance coordinator: Save the…
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New Post-doc position at Utrecht University on human-centered AI
New post-doc position at Utrecht University on human-centered AI: “Empowering Human Intentions through Artificial Intelligence”. Apply if you have a PhD in philosophy, psychology, cognitive or computer science! Application deadline: 15 October 2020 For more details, please see
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Three collaborative Master student projects are funded by HUMAN-AI
A milestone for the educational objectives of the HUMAN-AI alliance program is achieved! In March 2020, we opened the first call for student research proposals as a way to simulate collaborations between the three institutes (UU, TU/e, UMCU) on the topic of autonomy in human-AI interactions. We received a lot of enthusiasm from both students…
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