Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour

Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour Group
Understanding how sensory properties influence food choice, intake and health. Sensory science functions as a bridge between consumers, food, eating behaviour, health and well-being. The main research challenge of the Sensory Science and Eating Behaviour group is to better understand eating behaviour from a sensory, physiological and psychological perspective.
The goal of our research is to understand how sensory cues can be used to promote healthy food choices and intake behaviours. Sensory Science functions as a bridge between consumer eating behaviour, health and well-being.
The SSEB group focuses on all aspects of eating behaviour (appetite, food choice, oral processing, food intake, satiation/satiety, and digestion) across diverse consumer and clinical populations. We study barriers to acceptance of healthy and sustainable diets, the influence of sensory signals, oral processing and gastric digestion on satiety and food intake, the development of early food preferences and sensory perception and food preference in health and disease. By understanding how the sensory perception of food properties impacts our eating behaviours we develop evidence-based intervention strategies to promote healthy and sustainable eating while maintaining sensory appeal and keeping food enjoyment at the heart of healthy eating.
[page-header] Our Mission: [/page-header]
The mission of the chair group is to understand the motivational and perceptual aspects of food consumption to improve health and well-being by promoting healthy and sustainable food choices, eating behaviours and dietary patterns.
[page-header]Current projects:[/page-header]